The yellow butterfly orchid, also known as the golden butterfly orchid, is a type of orchid with yellow flowers. Its scientific name is Phalaenopsis amabilis var. flava.

The yellow butterfly orchid is native to Southeast Asia, including Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. It is a popular ornamental plant, grown for its striking and fragrant flowers. The plant is commonly sold as a potted plant or as cut flowers.

The yellow butterfly orchid is a perennial plant that can grow up to 80 cm tall. It has a long, thin stem with several leaves at the top. The flowers of the plant bloom in clusters, and each flower is about 5 cm in diameter. The petals are yellow, and the lip of the flower is white with yellow spots.

In the West, the golden butterfly orchid is sometimes called simply "yellow orchid" or "yellow Phalaenopsis." However, its traditional name in English is the "yellow butterfly orchid," reflecting the distinctive shape of its flowers.

In addition to its ornamental value, the yellow butterfly orchid is also used in traditional medicine. The plant has been used to treat a variety of ailments, including fever, inflammation, and coughs.

Overall, the yellow butterfly orchid is a beautiful and fascinating plant that has captured the attention and admiration of people around the world. Whether grown as an ornamental plant or used for medicine, it is a testament to the diversity and wonder of the natural world.



黄色蝴蝶兰是一种极为美丽的花卉,常被人们用作室内装饰。下面是黄色蝴蝶兰花卉大全。 1.黄色巴思蝶兰:花瓣光泽度高,色彩鲜明,非常美丽。 2.金色蝴蝶兰:花色妖艳,金黄色的花瓣上带有红色点缀,一看就让人心情愉悦。 3.金虎蝴蝶兰:金色花瓣上有黑色痕迹,看起来非常优美。 4.黄云蝴蝶兰:具有深黄色的花瓣,花朵的形状非常优美。 5.珍珠蝴蝶兰:具有浅黄色的花瓣和粉色花心,颜色清新优美。 6.暗黄色蝴蝶兰:花瓣色彩柔和,花朵形状华丽优美。 7.金黄色蝴蝶兰:金黄色尤其明亮、清新、活泼,花朵非常漂亮。 8.黄玉蝴蝶兰:花瓣色彩鲜艳,光泽度极高,花朵形状优美。 以上便是黄色蝴蝶兰花卉大全,它们各具特色,都是美丽、优雅的花卉。人们在挑选的时候,可以根据自己的喜好,来选择一个自己最喜欢的颜色和形状。
