The English name for 卷丹百合 is "Curly Day Lily."

Curly Day Lily, scientifically known as Hemerocallis fulva, is a species of flowering plant that belongs to the family Xanthorrhoeaceae. It is native to Asia, specifically China, Japan, and Korea, and is well-known for its beautiful and distinctive flowers.

The name "Curly Day Lily" is derived from the plant's unique characteristics. The leaves of the Curly Day Lily have a curled or wavy appearance, hence the name "Curly." Additionally, the flowers of this plant only bloom for a day, hence the name "Day Lily." The term "Lily" is used to describe the flower structure, although the Curly Day Lily is not a true lily.

The individual flowers of the Curly Day Lily are trumpet-shaped and typically range in color from orange to reddish-orange. The flowers grow on long stalks and can reach a height of up to three feet. The blooming period of the Curly Day Lily is usually during the summer months, and the plant is known for its ability to attract butterflies and hummingbirds.

In addition to its aesthetic qualities, the Curly Day Lily has some culinary and medicinal uses. In certain Asian cuisines, the young shoots and flower buds of the plant are used in stir-fries and soups. They add a unique flavor and texture to the dishes. Furthermore, the roots of the Curly Day Lily have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. It is believed to have various health benefits, including boosting the immune system and treating inflammation.

Due to its beauty and versatility, Curly Day Lily is popular in gardens and landscaping around the world. It is relatively low-maintenance and can tolerate a wide range of soil conditions. In addition, it is known for its resilience and ability to spread rapidly, making it an ideal choice for ground covers or areas that require erosion control.

In conclusion, the English name for 卷丹百合 is "Curly Day Lily." This name accurately reflects the plant's unique characteristics, including its curled leaves, short blooming period, and lily-like flowers. Curly Day Lily is not only a visually appealing plant but also has culinary and medicinal significance, making it a popular choice among gardeners and nature enthusiasts.




卷丹百合,学名为Lilium martagon,是一种高大美丽的花卉。下面是卷丹百合的花卉大全: 红卷丹百合:花瓣为红色,中间有深色斑点,十分吸引人视线。 白卷丹百合:花瓣为洁白色,清新雅致,象征纯洁和美丽。 粉卷丹百合:花瓣为粉色,温柔婉约,给人一种浪漫的感觉。 黄卷丹百合:花瓣为明亮的黄色,光芒四射,给人阳光明媚的感觉。 紫卷丹百合:花瓣为紫色,神秘而高贵,展示出独特的魅力。 蓝卷丹百合:花瓣为淡蓝色,清新宜人,给人一种宁静的感觉。 黑卷丹百合:花瓣为深紫色或近乎黑色,稀有且神秘,独特的色彩引人注目。 斑驳卷丹百合:花瓣带有独特的斑驳花纹,花色丰富多样,增添了花朵的艺术感。 以上是卷丹百合的花卉大全,每种颜色都有其独特之处,各具魅力,给人们带来美的享受。
